Durham Butterfly Count Photos

by Jeffrey S. Pippen | Jeff's Butterfly Page | Jeff's Nature Page

Here are a few photos from the Durham Butterfly Count over the years...

At least one Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, two Spicebush Swallowtails, and two Monarchs are in the photo enjoying Swamp Milkweeds.
18 Aug 2019
Both Isaac and Fred have their own personal Hackberry Emperor hitchhikers.
18 Aug 2019

Byron and Tom scan ironweed at Quail Roost.
21 Aug 2016
Nearly two dozen swallowtails swarmed these Lantanas.
21 Aug 2016
Tom, Laura, Kati, and Jeff wait out a passing shower under a shelter in the woods. Satyrs and others resumed flying as rain died down, and some even flew during the rain!
21 Aug 2016

A Zurucco Duskying (left) perches in the Duke Forest. This Long-tailed Skipper (right) showed up in the Duke Gardens on Count Day for only the second time ever on the Durham Count.
17 Aug 2014
Kelly shoots a Monarch in the Duke Gardens
17 August 2014
Eastern Tiger Swallowtails and a Sachem enjoy some Joe Pye Weed at Duke Gardens
16 Aug 2015
We may have set a new record in 2008 for the most umbrellas needed at the beginning of a butterfly count! Fortunately, the rain moved on out and we persisted and ended up tallying a remarkable 59 species and over 3000 individual buttterflies today!

From left to right: Jennifer, Will, Freddie-Jeanne, Ted, Dave, Marty, Wendy, Tom, Owen, Carl (front), Harry (back), Allison, Bob (front), Clinton, Meg, Randy, Nancy, Jim.

10 August 2008
Laura hosts a Common Buckeye on her shoulder while Bonnie's hat provides a nice perch for a Silver-spotted Skipper as Lou looks on.
August, 2003
What in the world are these butterfliers doing? Counting Black Swallowtail caterpillars on fennel, of course.
August, 2006
Clinton and Allison counting cats.
August, 2006

North Carolina Butterflies | North American Butterflies | Jeff's Nature Page

Created on ... July 26, 2008 | jeffpippen9@gmail.com